
Help Progressives Win!

Aug 24, 2018

By  Mike Hersh for Mike F., Donna, Deb, Judy, Dan, Janis, Dr. Bill, Shayna, Kim, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

Support Progressives
Primaries Tuesday!

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) was founded in 2004 to promote progress and help elect progressives to Congress. We have some great candidates running in the Arizona and Florida primaries. It all comes down to the voters this Tuesday. Please do what you can now! Give generously now to back our Win 2018 effort, and contact Mike “Phone Guy” Fox if you canvolunteer to help get out the progressive vote making calls from your own home.

Support PDA’s Win 2018 Action Fund



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PDA Advisory Board member and Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Rául Grijalva is a tremendous leader. He was arrested standing up for the Dreamers and DACA outside Trump Tower. He supports the People’s Budget—a budget that will create great new jobs, half climate change, and invest in our people. He works for jobs that pay a living wage, and introduced legislation to find a humanitarian solution to our border crisis. Please contribute now.

We need Deedra Abboud in the US Senate. Deedra is a proud advocate for equality and coexistence. She earned the Martin Luther King Jr. Diversity Award in Tempe and the Martin Luther King Jr. Award presented by the Human Relations Commission in Phoenix. A Phoenix-based attorney and founder of the leadership consulting firm, the Global Institute of Solution Oriented Leadership, she is highly respected for her community leadership and advocacy. Please contribute now.

Ruben Gallego is the son of Hispanic immigrants, a veteran, and a community leader. He was elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2010, and served until 2014. As a state legislator, Ruben led the opposition to the discriminatory SB 1062, and led the push for Medicaid expansion. In Congress he’s fought tirelessly on issues including education, job creation, access to higher education, veterans’ issues, and immigration reform. Please contribute now.

David Richardson is a courageous progressive running for Congress to bring responsible and forward-thinking solutions to the problems we face on the local, state and national levels. David is exactly the kind of fierce and tenacious Democratic lawmaker we need in DC right now. His candidacy presents us with our best opportunity in the entire country to send a courageous and principled progressive to Congress, to flip a Republican district blue, and to fight back against a president who lacks the moral authority to lead. Please contribute now.

These are four amazing progressive candidates. Thank you for doing everything you can to help them win in Tuesday’s primaries. Please give generously now to help elect them and other progressives! We won’t get money from billionaires or super PACs. To win, we need help from small donors like you. Give your time and / or money. Contact Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to help get out the progressive vote by making calls from your own home.

For a more progressive Congress,

Mike Hersh for Mike F., Donna, Deb, Judy, Dan, Janis, Dr. Bill, Shayna, Kim, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing.

