
Help Primo Progressive Mike Ortega Beat Blue Dog Correa

Apr 14, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team


Bernie Won This District and So Can Mike


There’s no reason why the progressive congressional district in otherwise conservative Orange County CA that Bernie won in 2019 is currently represented by a Blue Dog like Lou Correa.

Mike Ortega was born of working-class immigrant parents and has worked hard to earn an engineering degree that he puts to work developing life-saving medical equipment.

He supports Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, the 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights, and all of our positions regarding social, economic, racial, and environmental justice, peace, and getting big money out of our democracy.

Here’s our chance to send a Squad Member to DC from Orange County, CA.

Please contribute and/or volunteer now.

Thank you so much for anything you can do.

