Help PDA Elect A Progressive Congress
In solidarity, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, Donna, and Janis—your PDA national team.
We need sustained support to transform American politics. It
took decades to get in this mess, it’ll take us a while to get out
of it. Pitch in automatically every month to make a difference.
We founded Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) in 2004 because we were concerned that fundamental progressive policies and values—Medicare For All, stopping Global Warming, ending wars and occupations, economic and social justice—were getting lost behind the neoliberalism and neoconservatism holding sway in both major parties. Our mission is just as important today.
PDA is supporting progressive champions for Congress. Please Click Here to pitch in every month to sustain PDA’s Win 2020 Victory Fund.
Help PDA Elect A Progressive Congress
Make Automatic Monthly Sustainer Gifts
PDA supports progressive candidates as well as policies for fundamental systemic change to curtail greed and meet human needs. If you agree with our essential mission, then please pitch in automatically every month to help empower our efforts to expand and empower the progressive movement.
If you support PDA’s sustained hard work to give voters a reason to vote, then please pitch in each month to sustain our efforts. We need 100 new automatic monthly donations to help pay for
- Travel and housing so PDA activists can canvass for progressive candidates
- Rally signs, buttons, bumperstickers, and other items to get the message out
- Online tools including websites, action alerts, webinars, web-conferences, and media outreach
- Organizers to empower you and other volunteers to achieve important victories
We need your sustained, monthly support so we can plan, budget, and expand our activism. Are you in this struggle for the long haul? If so, please pitch in by making automatic donations every month!
With your generous support, PDA will step up our activism on your behalf during this most critically-important election cycle.
We appreciate all you do to support PDA’s efforts. If you’ve never donated to PDA before, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever. Click Here to support PDA’s movement building with automatic monthly gifts.