
Help PDA and Jaime Harrison Flip the Senate

Oct 27, 2020

Alan Minsky for your PDA National Team


With Your Help We Can Take Back the U S Senate
 and Defeat Lindsay Graham


We must wrest control of the Senate from Mitch McConnell. 

Yes, defeating Donald Trump is essential for the future of American democracy. Yes, holding onto control of the House is also a necessity. But the significant transformation of public policy that American society needs at this moment in our history will not be attainable if the GOP retains control of the upper chamber of Congress.

PDA understands this. All across the country we are working non-stop to flip the Senate. Support our efforts by donating or by volunteering yourself.

Nowhere is the battle more intense than in South Carolina, where PDA-endorsed candidate Jaime Harrison is in a virtual tie with perhaps the most two-faced Republican politician of the 21st century (and there’s a lot of competition in that category), Lindsey Graham.

Jaime Harrison will bring honesty and honor to the office; and he will fight for the healthcare and economic welfare of the people of South Carolina – and for racial justice. 

The election of Jaime Harrison over Lindsey Graham will be a transformational victory for South Carolina and America; you can help make it happen by donating to Jaime Harrison’s campaign, or by volunteering.

We’re in the homestretch now; we’ve got to give it our all.  Help elect the first Black Democratic Senator in the History of South Carolina, Jaime Harrison. Let’s send Lindsey and Mitch back home.

