Help End Failed Imperialist Policies!
photo: Activists Demanding Humane Immigration Policies
Si Se Puede!! Mike Hersh for Alan, Deb, Mike F, Janis, Dan, Shayna, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team
U.S. Military, Economic, and Other Policies
Caused and Exacerbate The Refugee Crisis
The Congress recently authorized spending to address the crisis at the border, but Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) asserts that this cannot and will not address the root causes of this crisis.
First of all, Trump’s inhumane, punitive, and bigoted policies only cause human suffering. Additionally, generations of exploitative imperialist policies caused and continue to exacerbate the crisis.
Please Click Here to contact your Senators and Representative to demand Congress hold hearings to end and reverse failed neocolonialist policies. Want to get involved in the streets? Click here: to join a Lights For Liberty event near you, and tell them PDA sent you!
Join PDA Demanding Action By The Congress!
The Nation Magazine reports, “illegal immigration from [Central and South America] remained modest until the 1980s, when the US government and its neoliberal collaborators at the IMF and World Bank began imposing policies on the region that favored large multinational corporations, undercutting the small farms and businesses that had supported the working poor.”
Adding, “Meanwhile, many of the oligarchs became partners in the growing narco-trafficking business. Protected by government officials, criminal gangs have spread throughout the region, adding threats of kidnapping, extortion, rape, and murder to the daily life of people struggling to make a living.” reports, “The immigration crisis at the border is the culmination of decades of US-financed violence, unjust economic policies like the Central America Free Trade Agreement, and the devastating effects of climate change.”
Unless and until the Congress ends and reverses these unjust and inhumane policies, the refugee crisis cannot be solved. We call upon Congress to act now! Your elected officials must demand Congressional Hearings on the social, economic, political, and climate crises causing the flight of refugees.
Click Here to contact your Senators and Representative to demand Congress hold hearings to end and reverse failed neocolonialist policies.
P.S. Want to get involved in the streets? Click here: to join a Lights For Liberty event near you, and tell them PDA sent you! PDA is leading the way on several projects and campaigns! We can’t do anything without your strong, sustained support.