Healthcare Town Hall Sunday. RSVP now!
Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team
Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
Sunday, 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific
The Healthcare Human Rights Issue Team of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is intensely interested in negotiations taking place as we speak on President Biden’s Build Back Better Act. In particular, we recognize that to achieve #HealthcareJustice in America, we must expand and improve Medicare, which will then become #MedicareForAll when it finally includes everyone living in these United States.
Political extortion being perpetrated by the entire opposition party and by a couple of rogue Democratic kingpin wannabes must not be tolerated, particularly when Americans are still dying needlessly due to #COVID19. Their actions, or inactions, now must have significant consequences at the ballot box in the ’22 midterms and in 2024.
Join us for the weekly PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Sunday Oct 24 4p Eastern / 1p Pacific to discuss our expectations around these congressional negotiations for Healthcare on the Build Back Better Act. What is still being fought for by our champions in the House and Senate? What do we understand has already been cut out of the deal? How much do we know or do we not know about all of this? And given that level of understanding, what do we as a community of activated advocates see as the path forward to progress?
Please volunteer and/or donate to help make all of this happen.
We look forward to seeing you Sunday!
Thanks, and onward!
Looking forward to this mtg