
Healthcare Not Warfare!

Nov 16, 2018

In solidarity,  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Mike H., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team

Pre-order Healthcare Not Warfare T-Shirts &
Other Progressive Gifts Now For The Holidays

With a new Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, Progressive Democrats of America continues leading within a large coalition working for the Expanded & Improved Medicare for All Act in the House and Senate, and for peace not warfare.

Healthcare: The House bill HR 676 currently has a record number of 123 co-sponsors, the Senate bill S 1804 has 16, but we will have to start over again in January with the next Congress. Now is the time to show your support!

To help you spread our Healthcare Not Warfare message, we are once again offering Healthcare Not Warfare T-shirts. These American union-made cotton shirts are available for pre-order in our PDA Store along with buttons, stickers, and other great gear.

Get Your Progressive Gear Now!

Orders received by December 5 will be shipped no later than December 10

Mike Fox in his shirt—after 10 years he needs a new one

Not Warfare: Since our founding in 2004, PDA has organized to slash excessive military expenditures and shift the funding to meet human needs. We strongly oppose military aggression and covert actions that destabilize regions and lead to the rise of oppressive regimes and humanitarian disasters like the collapse of Libya into anarchy, the forced exodus of refugees from Syria and Latin America, the suffering in Palestine, and the genocide in Yemen.

We continue our demands for peaceful, constructive foreign policy with our allies like Code Pink. We’ve worked with our Advisory Board Members Barbara Lee, Tulsi Gabbard, and Jim McGovern to advance legislation to end wars, stop regime change, protect human rights, stop arming terrorists, halt weapons sales to dangerous regimes, and to both address current crises and prevent future crises.

Another PDA Advisory Board member, Medea Benjamin, invites you to support the Code Pink-convened Iran Summit to promote sane and peaceful foreign policy. Find more info. here.

Thinking of ordering a Healthcare Not Warfare t-shirt or other progressive gifts time for the holidays? Please act now! Orders received by December 5 will be shipped no later than December 10. Numbers are limited, so get your order in now, and check out our other items for the deserving progressives on your holiday gift list.

In solidarity,

Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Mike H., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team

P.S. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. No time to make calls? Then please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing.

Join PDA Electing Progressives

