Healthcare Emergency Update: Town Hall Sun., 2/28. RSVP Now.
By Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team
Click Here To Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
Sunday, 4pm ET/1pm PT
We at Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) eagerly await the reintroduction of the new national #SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll legislation, as do our many coalition partners also working tirelessly on this issue of #HealthcareJustice. And #MedicalApartheid is a subject we are eager to discuss, as well.
So, along with the reintroduction of voting rights and truth and racial healing legislation, we are ever hopeful and confident that significant progress is on the horizon, if not in time to prevent the severe inequities and loss of life that we’ve already witnessed due to #COVID19, at least to prevent the same with what we know is heading our way due to #ClimateChange.
Join us this Sunday and every Sunday throughout these medically troubling times for our PDA Healthcare Emergency Online Town Halls Sundays 4p ET / 1p PT. This week, we’ll hear from our national team as to how we plan to put our PDA Congressional Liaison Program into action for the new national #MFA bill roll outs expected very soon.
Otherwise, please do volunteer and donate to support these efforts.
Thanks, and we hope to see you Sunday!
PS: See previous Town Halls archived on Youtube and Facebook.