Healthcare Emergency Progress: Town Hall Sun., 3/7. RSVP Now.
Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team
Click Here To Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town
Hall Sunday, 4pm ET/1pm PT
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is proud to be working with a large number of partner organizations in our pursuit of #HealthcareJustice through a #SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll system. Through that coalition, we have learned that federal legislation to move this critical policy forward will be introduced imminently.
It couldn’t come at a more crucial moment given the pain, suffering, and preventable personal losses that our nation has incurred from #COVID19, and the profit-first commercial medical system that has been at the helm of it all.
We are most appreciative that champions for the cause in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI), are again the principal co-authors and have already aligned an impressive number of original cosponsors. Our efforts as advocates will aim to add to that number, in order to gain enough support to move it through committee and to the House floor for a vote. Similarly, we so appreciate that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will again champion the bill in the Senate.
Join us for PDA’s Healthcare Emergency Town Hall this Sunday, March 7, 4p ET / 1p PT, as we welcome Stephanie Kang, Rep. Jayapal’s lead Legislative Assistant on Healthcare and great friend of the movement. We’ll discuss the new National Medicare for All Act, how we might advocate for it based on our shared trauma of COVID-19, and especially what from her perspective we can do to help gain the needed support for it in the new House of Representatives.
And if you are able, please volunteer and/or donate to help make Medicare For All a reality.
PS: See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube and Facebook.