Happy Valentines Day—Unless You’re One Of Trump’s Targets
In solidarity, Dan O’Neal and Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Janis, Mike H., Donna, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team
We Believe That Love Is Stronger Than Hate
Tell Congress To Block Trump’s Hateful Wall!
Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love, but there is certainly no love in the Trump Administration’s immigration policies—only hatred, fear, demagoguery, and bureaucratic incompetence. A more appropriate metaphor is the Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929 Chicago Gangland.
This lawless administration and its feckless leader have blood on their hands. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) demands fair, humane immigration policies, and we adamantly oppose Trump’s racist, divisive agenda.
Trump began his presidential campaign by calling Mexicans “rapists and drug dealers.” He promised to build a “big, beautiful wall paid for by Mexico.” One of his first acts in office was enacting a travel ban aimed at Muslims. And it only got worse from there.
Three years later, where have his broken promises and twisted immigration policies led?Hundreds of rejected asylum seekers deported to El Salvador have been murdered. The travel ban has been expanded to six more countries. Children have been ripped from their parents’ arms and are still being locked in cages. Detention facilities are squalid and poorly staffed, leading to suicide deaths of detainees, sexual assaults on women and children, and preventable deaths from disease, malnutrition, and exposure.
Tell Congress We Need Bridges, Not A Racist Wall
Join PDA Opposing Trump’s Abusive Immigration Polices
Sign up to make letter drops to your elected officials
Trump’s hateful policies also imperil American Citizens. Republicans in Congress have done little more than wring their hands as Trump continues to withhold disaster relief funding from American citizens in Puerto Rico.
Congress sits on its hands as Trump diverts $billions of U.S. taxpayer funds appropriated for infrastructure and other essential needs to build his racist, useless wall.
Trump’s farcical wall is a boondoggle so poorly planned and constructed that parts of it have already blown down, while other sections involve appropriation of private property and desecration of Native American holy grounds.
Republicans will not hold Trump accountable. Too many in the Democratic Party remain unwilling to do enough to defy this abhorrent administration.
It’s up to us—We the People—to stand up, speak out, and make our voices heard! Join us in the streets, at congressional offices across the nation, on Capitol Hill, and at the ballot box.
Sign up to make letter drops to your elected officials, and phone calls to help elect progressives. Too busy to volunteer? Then, Give now to Progressive Democrats of America as we mobilize voters to elect empowered progressive candidates who are intent on breaking through legislative inertia to fight for a freer, fairer America—including and especially humane immigration policies.
P.S. Please pitch in now to help PDA elect a progressive congressional majority. Money tight? Then sign up to help us make progress in your state and locality by organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter. Please contact PDA Field Director Dan O’Neal to get involved making a huge difference where you live.