
Happy Mothers Day! We honor all mothers by working for women’s rights

May 14, 2023 | PDA News

Stand with Our Mothers, Aunts, Sisters, and Daughters
by Becoming a Monthly Sustainer


I’ve had requests to re-blast this email from last year, so here we go…

I’m the only child of a single mother, and was very lucky growing up.

Until I was 18, every decision my mother made had me, first and foremost, in mind. There was never a question about whether or not I was loved. I felt secure in my travels through childhood and into adulthood because I knew that no matter what challenges faced me, no matter how much I might screw up, my mom would always have my back.

Money was tight, but was never really a problem as we knew we had each other and would figure a way past obstacles. Sometimes we had stuff. Sometimes we didn’t. But we always had each other.

And now that she’s 82, and the “primary caregiver” roles have switched, I’m so glad I have the opportunity to return the favor she granted me growing up. 

I asked her what she wanted for Mother’s Day, and she said, “For women not to lose the control over their own bodies and their reproductive healthcare decisions.”

Well, I have my marching orders.

With her wishes in mind, I ask you to become a monthly sustainer at $5, $10, or whatever you can handle, to help us carry on the fight for women’s rights.

Thanks so much for anything you can do.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

In solidarity with women everywhere,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

