Happy Medicare For All Eve!
In solidarity, Mike Hersh and Dr. Bill Honigman for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Kim, Shayna, and Bryan—Your PDA National Team
National Medicare for All Week of Action
Organize a barnstorm in your community!
This holiday season, help Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), National Nurses United (NNU), and allied organizations build support for Improved Medicare for All (MFA). Medicare is among the most effective, important programs in U.S. history. Improved Medicare for All is even better. Help us make 2019 the year we get Medicare For All passed in Congress!
Thanks to your activism, we’re making real progress. Last Summer, we celebrated the launch of the Medicare For All Caucus. Within a few weeks, Rep. Pramila Jayapal will reintroduce H.R. 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act. After mobilizing unprecedented support in the 115th Congress, we’re starting over in the 116th.
Organize A Medicare For All Barnstorm Event
Urge Your Representative To Join The Medicare For All Caucus
PDA and our allies worked with Rep. Jayapal to make this legislation even better—with new provisions for long term care and women’s health than ever before—and it’s up to us to help bring on as many cosponsors as possible to ensure Congress holds hearings and votes on this legislation. We’re working in a large and growing coalition to support the MFA caucus and build support for Healthcare as a Human Right.
The US healthcare system is cruel, broken, and needlessly expensive. Insurance companies rake in billions while far too many Americans go without the healthcare they need. It’s time we have a system that reflects that healthcare is a human right—and that system is Medicare for All.
Improved Medicare for All will eliminate all co-pays, lifetime caps, deductibles and all other out-of-pocket expenses for patients. It will cover all medically necessary care and devices including mental health, reproductive healthcare, vision, hearing, dental, longterm care, prevention—all the care that we the people need. This will save 10,000s of lives every year, according to estimates by experts. Economic analysis indicates this comprehensive healthcare program will save more than $5 trillion over the next decade as opposed to the current, broken system.
Democrats have taken control of the House, and we have a real opportunity to move HR 676, The Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, forward in the new Congress in January. But to do so, we must pressure Congress by building massive public support in every district across the country. Thousands of activists are coming together in February to launch this effort with a National Medicare for All Week of Action. Together, volunteers will host “barnstorms” in as many House districts as possible across the country.
If you haven’t been to one, a barnstorm is like a mass organizing rally. We recruit dozens of people to get into one room to hear from speakers, talk about our plan to win, and begin organizing. We call on folks at the meeting to sign up to host canvasses and launch into action where they live. We need you to organize a barnstorm in your community! Sign up here to get plugged in:https://medicare4all.org/host-barnstorm-feb2019/
Help PDA amplify our healthcare message! Go to the PDA Store right now and order Healthcare Not Warfare T-shirts, buttons and bumper stickers, and Healthcare Rapid Response Kits. Let your Change Make Change and make your Dollars Holler for healthcare as a human right now.
Healthcare is a human right, not a commodity or privilege. Private for-profit insurance, Big Pharma, and other greed-driven entities drive up the costs of care, and too often deny care to boost their bottom line. Tell your members of Congress to join the MFA caucus to help build support for H.R. 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare For All Act. Click here to read more about the caucus.
PDA is an important part of the MFA mobilization. In 2019, our chapters nationwide will hold public events and programs, canvass, and lobby our elected officials alongside our allies working to guarantee high quality healthcare as a human right. Please donate generously now to help keep us organizing for Medicare for All. Money tight? Then sign up for PDA’s Healthcare Human Rights organizing team. Click here then scroll down and make sure the box for Healthcare Human Rights is checked.
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh and Dr. Bill Honigman for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Janis, Dan, Kim, Shayna, and Bryan—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We can’t do anything without you. Support our efforts with a generous donation now. Money short? Then contact Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to sign up to make important movement mobilizing phone calls . We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.
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Contact Online Media Director Janis Kay to help out
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