Gun Violence Doesn’t have to be the American Way
Kids Shouldn’t be Afraid to go to School or Church or Playgrounds
Chicago (North Side), IL
Chicago (South Side), IL
Pittsburgh, PA
Allentown, PA
Indianapolis, IN
Montgomery, AL
Burnsville, MN
Carson, CA
Birmingham, AL
Springdale, AR
Plus three mass shooting in Georgia and Missouri on Valentine’s Day:13 people killed;45 injured in the past two weeks by mass shooting incidents. Fatalities in mass shooting incidents in the U.S. account for just a small fraction of all gun murders that occur nationwide each year. They are the events that make headlines—briefly.
The total of people across America killed by all forms of gun violence averages 106 per day, and the grim statistics go on and on and on.
Assault weapons and so-called assault-style weapons, designed specifically for killing and maiming human beings, are often the weapons of choice for mass shooters. Yet Congress has been paralyzed by its acquiescence to the gun lobby.
- Sign the petition: Ban assault weapons;
- Call your members of Congress and urge them to support expanded background checks, red flag laws, and a nationwide ban on assault weapons (202) 224-3121;
- Support pro-gun safety candidates up and down the ballot.
Please let us know once you’ve acted.
We have to act because our elected officials will continue to do nothing unless we push them to action.
In solidarity,
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team