
Guess Who’s The New Front Runner?

Jan 26, 2020

photo: Bernie With Medicare For All Supporters

In solidarity,  Alan Minsky for Mike F., Deb, Donna, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, Mike H., and Janis—your PDA national team.

Bernie Surges! Let’s Elect Him And
Elect A Progressive Congress Too
With Automatic Monthly Donations


In the upper right-hand corner of the front page of the website RealClearPolitics is a statistic that rarely gets much attention. Still, to some analysts, it’s as important as any in American politics: the betting odds on the Democratic nomination for President.

Guess who’s in first today, for the first time during the entire 2020 election cycle? It’s the candidate that Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) drafted to run for President before anyone else got on board: Bernie Sanders.

That’s right! The people around the world who are willing to bet their money on the outcome of the race think Bernie’s going to win. We do too, but only because we at PDA are going to do everything in our power to achieve that end.

We believe that once Bernie wins the nomination he will win the Presidency. Then, he enact his transformational agenda. To do that, he will need a progressive Democratic Congress.

Not supporting Bernie for President? No worries, let Mike Fox know. He’ll get you active with our organizing for a Progressive Congressional Wave.

The only thing that’s going to take PDA away from our work to get Bernie elected is the complimentary work we’re doing across the country to elect progressives to Congress.

2020 is the year it’s all going to happen. With your help, we can win and change our nation for the better. Please support PDA’s Win 2020 Victory Fund with a sustaining automatic monthly donation.

We need committed progressive leaders in the White House and Congress. We’re making endorsements and working to elect great progressive candidates. Now is the time to invest in progressive victories!

Please send checks to:

Progressive Democrats of America
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
P.O. Box 150064
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0064

Make sure to include your phone number, employer and occupation—write “self employed,” “retired,” etc. if that’s appropriate.

Questions? Can’t make a donation right now, but still want to help? Email Mike Fox

We appreciate all you do to support PDA’s electoral efforts. If you’ve never donated to PDA before, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever. Click Here to support PDA’s Win 2020 Action Fund with automatic monthly gifts.


PS: Support PDA’s work to elect progressives by making automatic gifts to our Win 2020 Action Fund:

