
Great New Voting Tool: Featured At Progressive Central

Aug 13, 2020

by Mike Fox for Alan, Mike H., Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Donna, Dr. Bill, Dan, and Janis—your PDA national team

Make Sure Everyone You Know Knows About This Site


We know that Trump and his minions are going to do everything in their power to suppress the vote this cycle.  They’re already very active.

So we must fight back by making sure everyone we know understands their rights, and where/how to vote well in advance of election day.

Make sure everyone bookmarks

See a great video preview from Mimi Kennedy here.

Then, plan on attending our special session on voting rights and accurate counting of the voteduring Progressive Central: The People’s Convention.

Progressive Central: The People’s Convention
Sunday, Aug. 16-Thursday Aug. 20
Special Elections Panel: Mon. 3pm
Featuring Mimi Kennedy and other nationally-renowned voting rights and tabulation experts.
Sign Up Here
Invite your Facebook friends here.

Thanks so much for making sure you and all of your friends and family are able to vote, and we hope to see you at Progressive Central!


