
Get On The Webinar Tonight For Medicare For All!

Mar 4, 2020

In solidarity,  Dr. Bill Honigman and Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Donna—your PDA national team.

Donate to Our MFA Fund to Support
Our Mobilizing For Medicare For All


You’re cordially invoted to join Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and allies on a webinar today at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m PT! Special guest speaker, PDA-endorsed Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.)and other speakers will discuss our ongoing organizing for Medicare for All. Voters in every primary state so far have favored Medicare for All at levels of 60% or higher.

Sorry for the late notice. Join us on the webinar / conference call tonight to discuss how you can get involved. RSVP now to get the details to join today’s webinar with Rep. Tlaib and other guest speakers.


Tell Congress We Need Medicare For All


Donate to Our MFA Fund to Support
Our Mobilizing For Medicare For All


Save The Date! PDA’s March MFA Webinar
Next Wednesday, March 10th 9pm ET, 6pm PT


TONIGHT: We’ll hear from Rep. Tlaib’s fellow Michigander, Dr. Abdul El Sayed, former director of Detroit’s Health Department and Michigan gubernatorial candidate; and Larry Cohen, the board chair of Our Revolution and former president of Communications Workers of America; as well as a small-town Ohio mayor that just passed a Medicare for All resolution; and activist leaders from the red, blue, and purple states.

Join our webinar today to learn about how you can get involved with our coalition’s local resolutions campaign.

We appreciate all you do to help make progress on healthcare and other issues. If you’ve never donated to help PDA help you pressure our elected officials, now is the perfect time. We need your support now more than ever.

Click here to pitch in $3, $5, or whatever you can afford to support PDA’s Medicare For All organizing.


PS: Click Here to read Dr. Bill’s Op-Ed about how Medicare For All beats Trump, then join PDA investing to elect Medicare For All progressive candidates.

