
Get Involved Now to Defeat Trumpism on Election Day!

Sep 5, 2020

In solidarity,

Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Janis, Deb, Donna, Dr. Bill, Dan, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

It’s Labor Day Weekend. Early Voting
Begins Soon. Support PDA’s Work
To End Voter Suppression. In Two
Months, the Elections Will Be Over!

Help PDA Elect Progressive Champions
Make Easy, Effective GOTV Phone Calls


Trump and his Trumpublican enablers are fanatical regressive white supremacists intent on suppressing votes and subverting democracy. While Trump didn’t invent this racist strategy, he’s taking race-based voter suppression and disenfranchisement largely based on race to a new extreme.

If the Trumpublicans can game the system again, they will unleash waves of regressive racial, economic, health, and environmental policies that will drive the United States further backward. We cannot let that happen!

Only You Can Stop Trump’s Assault on We the People
Please Give Whatever You Can to Elect Progressives

Email Mike Fox to volunteer with PDA’s Phone Team

Pitch In Each Month To Protect Our Elections

Please view and share this video from Mimi Kennedy, explaining how you can verify and protect your voting registration.

Please use and share this link to help voters navigate the maze of regulations and practices to protect voting rights.

Progress on racial justice, climate, voting rights, and everything else is extremely difficult with a climate denying white supremacist White House. Trump and his cult of heartless extremists keep causing more destruction as Election Day rapidly approaches.

Election Day is coming up in less than two months. We need your help now. Please sign up to make get out the vote calls with our Phone Team. No time to volunteer? Please donate whatever you can afford each month to help PDA and our allies stand up against Trump.

We need your help today and every month to elect compassionate, progressive leaders to repair the incalculable damage right-wingers keep causing day after day.

Vote for progressive champions during early voting, or on Election Day, November 3rd. Also, please support PDA’s GOTV (Get Out The Vote) efforts with a generous donation of $50, $20.20, or whatever you can afford, and please pitch in every month if you can.


P.S. Pitch In Now and Every Month. Become a Change Stops Trump Sustainer:

1 Comment

  1. Frank Cuneo

    Right on PDA!
    Thank you for what you do.
