Free Film Showings Of The Occupation Of The American Mind
In service to justice for all, Alan Minsky for Mike H., Mike F., Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, and Dr. Bill — your PDA national team.
Hold A House Party Or Public Viewing
To Help Fight Racism And Bigotry
With all of the insanity circulating around Rep. Omar’s comments and Trump now calling Democrats anti-Semitic, here’s a great way to stand up against the power that AIPAC wields and score a victory for free speech and against bigotry.
Host a free showing of The Occupation of the American Mind. You can throw a house party with friends, or a large public viewing. Either way we’ll help you make it a success. Let us know you’re interested.
We at PDA believe that disagreeing with the actions of the State of Israel and Netanyahu — currently under corruption charges — and the massive influence of AIPAC in no way translates into anti-Semitism. We stand for free speech and an on-going dialog that calls out misleading and potentially hateful propaganda in all it’s forms. We believe The Occupation of the American Mind fuels a discussion focused on peace and justice for all people; and in support of democracy, which is under siege from powerful conservative lobbyists.
For more on the film join our exclusive conference call with Executive Producer Dr. Sut Jhally
Occupation Of The American Mind Producer Dr. Sut Jhally Conf. Call
Mon., March 18
9pm Eastern; 8pm Central; 7pm Mountain; 6pm Pacific
Dial-in Number:(641) 715-0873
Participant Code:914389
Please reply to RSVP so we’re sure to have enough lines set aside.
PS: See more on the film at