For a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights, with Nina Turner, Harvey J Kaye, and PDA’s Alan Minsky
In solidarity,
The PDA National Team
In the first half of 2022, PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky co-authored a series of articles with Prof. Harvey J Kaye advocating for a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights, building on FDR’s call for a 20th-century economic bill of rights in 1944.
In the coming year, we at PDA are going to take our advocacy for the 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights to the next level, calling on all progressive elected officials and prospective candidates to support our call.
Then, enjoy this great conversation between the great Senator Nina Turner, Harvey J Kaye, and Alan Minsky on why we need a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights:
Part one: https://youtu.be/Vi71jwm7WbE
Part two:https://youtu.be/2rp6B91uHPk
And please “like,” “share,” and “subscribe” while you’re there!