
For a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights, with Nina Turner, Harvey J Kaye, and PDA’s Alan Minsky

Dec 29, 2022 | PDA Blog

In solidarity,

The PDA National Team


The American Public Loves the Progressive Economic Platform. Help PDA spread the word that together we can build a  just and prosperous economy.


In the first half of 2022, PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky co-authored a series of articles with Prof. Harvey J Kaye advocating for a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights, building on FDR’s call for a 20th-century economic bill of rights in 1944.

In the coming year, we at PDA are going to take our advocacy for the 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights to the next level, calling on all progressive elected officials and prospective candidates to support our call.

Please donate to support our work promoting a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights and building a just and prosperous American economy.

Then, enjoy this great conversation between the great Senator Nina Turner, Harvey J Kaye, and Alan Minsky on why we need a 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights:

Part one:

Part two:

And please “like,” “share,” and “subscribe” while you’re there!

