
Exciting News On Medicare For All

Jan 28, 2019

photo: Top: Donna Smith, bottom: Dr. Bill with the Nurses and Sen. Sanders

By Mike Hersh for Donna, Dr. Biil, Alan, Mike F., Janis, Deb, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kim, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Medicare for All Team

URGENT: Support the National Mobilization
For Expanded and Improved Medicare For All!

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) was founded in 2004 to mobilize for progress on specific policies, including Medicare For All (MFA). We’ve devoted our outreach to “Medicare For All Monday” messaging for several weeks. Today is the most exciting MFAM ever for those of us who are organizing for healthcare as a human right. In the next couple of weeks, Rep. Pramila Jayapal will introduce the most comprehensive Expanded and Improved Medicare For All legislation in U.S. History.

PDA is proud that two of the most renowned healthcare organizers in the USA are part of our family: Donna Smith, formerly our Executive Director and currently the Chair of our National Advisory Board; and Dr. Bill Honigman, our national staffer and California State Coordinator. These two stalwart, effective spokespeople make regular personal appearances at events, on TV, radio, and in print. They also lead our Healthcare is a Human Right issue team.

Give now to Help PDA Sponsor Dr. Bill and Donna’s
Work to Help Spread the Medicare For All Message

Call Your Representative at 202-858-1717 Urge them
to cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All bill now!

Please Give Now To Support Our MFA Organizing!

PDA is part of a national coalition led by our close allies National Nurses United (NNU) that’s organizing support for the new bill. Starting now, the activism kicks into high gear, including NNU’s Medicare For All Barnstorming events that PDAers will be participating in across the country We need your help now to keep Donna and Dr. Bill mobilized for this fight; and that will require funding.

Along with giving, you can also help out by contacting your member of Congress and urging them to become an original cosponsor of Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All bill. This legislation would guarantee all medically necessary care including—in patient, out patient, surgery, hospitalization, emergency, mental, dental, vision, hearing, medical devices, tests, supplies, pharmaceuticals, therapy, long term, rehabilitation, preventative care—and more. All with no out-of-pocket costs. No copays, no deductibles, no fees, no costs of any kind.

This is the best healthcare legislation in our nation’s history. Please do all you can to ensure a powerful launch with as many cosponsors as possible. Pitch in to support the mobilization, and call Congress: at 202-858-1717 to urge your Representative to cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All legislation.

Mike Hersh for Donna, Dr. Biil, Alan, Mike F., Janis, Deb, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kim, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Medicare for All Team

P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing for Medicare For All.

Join PDA Making MFA Progress

