“Everyone Talks About The Weather” ☀️
photo: PDA’s Capitol Hill Climate Canvassers (left House, right Senate)
In solidarity, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F, Janis, Dan, Shayna, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Deb, and Bryan—your PDA National Team
Demand Specific Climate Solutions Now!
A lot of organizations refer to the Climate and ask you to sign petitions and donate money, but Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is different. We take a leadership role in the ongoing existential struggle to actually do something about the Climate Emergency.
Last month, PDA convened a campaign to demand a Democratic Presidential Debate on the Climate Emergency, and we’re increasing the pressure to make it happen. We dug deep to buy an ad in the Miami Herald to reach the Democratic Presidential candidates and DNC members in town for the debates.
Last week we delivered comprehensive letters and information packets to members of Congress in their home Senate and House district offices. If you want to get involved with these letter drops to your elected officials, Click Here and Mike Fox will connect you with this critically important effort.
Join PDA Demanding a Debate on the Climate Emergency
Sustain PDA’s Climate Organizing With Monthly Gifts
Wednesday and Thursday this week, I organized a coalition effort that hand-delivered letters to nearly 200 House and Senate offices on Capitol Hill urging Congress to enact a Climate Emergency resolution.
All this activism takes time and money. We need your help now if we’re to sustain this level of effort. If you agree that we must solve the Climate Emergency and that we must know the presidential candidates’ climate policy in detail, please make a generous monthly sustaining gift or a one-time gift now to help PDA make progress on climate.
Time is running short. Scientists warn we have less than a decade to fundamentally update our energy, transportation, and other systems. The time is long past when the Climate Emergency could be considered just one issue among many. If you agree, please sign up to make monthly Climate contributions.
With your help, PDA will fight will all of its energy, every day to achieve solutions before it’s too late. The best way to support PDA’s efforts is to become a PDA sustainer making automatic monthly donations.
P.S. Please Click Here to read and sign the Open Letter to DNC Chairman Perez if you haven’t already. Please Click Here to pitch in whatever you can each month to empower us to keep mobilizing and running more ads.