
Equality And Progress: Past, Present, Future

Aug 25, 2019

We Need The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

In solidarity,  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F, Janis, Mike H, Shayna, Dan, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

A better future made possible by present actions and past achievements

Last Sunday was the 99th anniversary of ratification of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. You can help Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) build on this monumental past achievement in two ways:

First, wouldn’t it be great to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) by this time next year? Currently, 37 of the required 38 states have already voted to ratify the ERA. Resolutions already introduced in both houses of Congress would remove the arbitrary ratification deadline. Sign up to make automatic monthly gifts to help PDA gain support for H.J.Res. 38 and S.Res. 6—legislation that will remove the deadline from the ERA.

Second, make 2020 a historic progressive landslide by helping PDA turn out Progressive Democratic voters by joining our amazing current Sustainers by becoming a Sustainer at $19/month to honor the 19th amendment. (We welcome and appreciate gifts of any size). If you’re already a Sustainer, we thank you! 

Give Every Month To Support ERA Organizing

Sustain PDA’s Organizing for Equality With Automatic Gifts

Winning the right to vote for women 99 years ago culminated a long, arduous, and sometimes dangerous struggle. Ratifying the ERA would appropriately celebrate the centennial of Women’s Suffrage by protecting women’s equality under law in the U.S. Constitution. That landmark and winning the White House are both achievable goals for 2020, but only if we all work together and pitch in now!

Every analysis of the 2018 and 2020 election cycles indicates that women are key to victory in November 2020. Women of color, suburban women, and young women voted in droves in the midterms last November, leading the way to Democratic victories in the House of Representatives. Next year, women voters will choose the next President of the United States.

Show your solidarity with women’s ongoing struggle for equality with a recurring gift of $19 or (another amount) today. Together, we will build on the past to create a better future … starting now.


PS: Support PDA’s work to elect progressives in 2020 by making automatic gifts to our Win 2020 Action Fund

