Here’s the easiest way to help build the progressive movement one click at a time.
Get Clicking on These Petitions/Online Actions!
Although we certainly focus the lion’s share of our organizing on human-to-human interaction (at-the-door, in-person events, and on the phone), we recognize the supplemental power that online activism provides.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys social media and signing online petitions, join our Click Brigade.
You’ll be helping with campaigns like the petitions below, and liking and sharing posts on platforms you use in “rapid response” campaigns.
We have a presence on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, Pinterest, Tribel, Daily Kos, Reddit, Mastodon, CounterSocial, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and more.
- Tell Congress: Investigate Egypt’s possible $10 million bribe to Trump now;
Tell Congress to Reject Project 2025;
- Tell Congress: Ban AI Discrimination in Hiring and tell President Biden “No AI in weapons systems”;
- Tell Congress they must defend Census funding;
- Demand the Democratic Party reject AIPAC;
- Urge your Members of Congress to Publicly Demand the USPS Board of Governors fire Louis DeJoy Now;
Tell Wall Street Banks to Reject Project 2025 and Heritage Foundation;
Sign the petition: Protect and expand Social Security by taxing the rich;
Tell the Senate: Pass the Stock Buyback Accountability Act Now;
- Tell Pres. Biden: No National Guard on college campuses. Reaffirm the right to protest now;
- Write letters to your members of Congress, urging them to support the nation’s first Climate Preserve associated with a National Park;
- Sign the Petition to keep fighting, and keep winning, for abortion rights;
Please let us know once you’ve acted.
If you’re now on a roll and want to do more, join the Click Brigade, volunteer to make calls or knock doors, and/or donate now.
Thanks so much for anything/all that you do!
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team