Don’t Let Hate Eclipse Progress
By Mike Hersh for Donna, Dan, Mike F., Amos, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your national PDA team.
Tell Trump Not To Pardon Joe Arpaio
Today, we witnessed the Moon momentarily blocking out the light of the Sun. Trump is threatening to let hate eclipse all the hard-won progress we’ve made on equality. After the shocking display of hate by embol white supremacist Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, Donald Trump claimed there were “fine people” among the domestic terrorists. Trump’s outrageous coddling of hate is nothing new. During his campaign, and since taking office, he has only occasionally and tepidly distanced himself from White supremacist violence and racist terrorists. All the while he keeps furthering hate and discrimination by issuing intolerant executive orders, making reckless incendiary statements, and even appointing racists and intolerant extremists to government office.
Trump is now preparing to reward racism and illegal abuse of minorities by Pardoning disgraced former sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of criminally and flagrantly disregarding a federal judge’s order to halt immigration round-ups that led to abuse of minorities in Maricopa County, Arizona. Arpaio backed Trump because they are of the same mind when it comes to horrendous white supremacy and abuse of minorities by officials sworn to uphold the law. The Trump / Arpaio doctrine appallingly violates the constitutional rights of Americans. Pardoning a law-breaking lawman would send yet another clear and supportive message to racists and violent extremists.
Tell Trump not to shield Joe Arpaio from the consequences of his crimes.
Sign the petition and share it widely on social media and via email now!
Sign & Share the Petition Against Pardoning Arpaio!
Can’t make it to Phoenix but want to help others with a travel stipend? Give generously by clicking here. Thanks so much for any support you can show in Phoenix or from across the country.
In solidarity against racism,
Mike Hersh for Donna, Dan, Mike F., Amos, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Judy, and Dr. Bill, your national PDA team.
P.S. It’s so important that we increase the pressure right now. Together, we forced white supremacist extremist Steve Bannon out of the White House. Together we can stop Trump from rewarding Joe Arpaio. Sign the petition and share it widely on social media and via email now! Try to make it to the rally in Phoenix or give generously by clicking here.