Healthcare Human Rights is part of PDA’s Fund Human Needs/Cut Pentagon Waste platform. We work on the following issue:
- Medicare for All (National)
- State Single Payer
Healthcare Human Rights Statistics
- Americans with no health insurance = 60 million (est)
- Americans with no insurance with full ACA implementation = 30 million (est)
- Almost 1 million Americans declare bankruptcy each year because of medical costs – 75% had health insurance
- 60,000 preventable deaths occur each year for lack of medical care – with ACA the estimate will still be 30,000
Healthcare Facts
- Even with ACA, many won’t be covered
- Medicare doesn’t cover dental or vision
- Mental health care is underfunded
- Copays and deductibles are prohibitive
- No medical control with HMO’s
Legislation Our Team Has Endorsed
- HR 676 (Conyers – D-MI-13) Expanded and Improved Medicare for All
- HR 1200 (McDermott – WA-07) American Health Security Act
- S 1782 (Sanders – VT) American Health Security Act
How You Can Get Involved
- Join our Monthly Conference Call (3rd Tuesday)
- Join our Google Group
- Join our Facebook Group
- Suggest Coalition Partners and Activities
Coalition Partners
Healthcare-NOW, National Nurses United, Physicians for National Health Program (PNHP), Healthcare 4 All PA, Public Citizen,Campaign for a Healthy California, Vermont Workers, Labor for Single Payer, IATSE Local 1, MassCare, Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA), Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA), SPAN Ohio, Healthcare for All Colorado, Robin Hood Tax Campaign
Issue Team Leaders
Dr. Bill Honigman
Kurt Bateman
Robert Score, Recording Correspondence Secretary (IATSE Local 1)
Donna Smith, Executive Director, Healthcare for All Colorado and Healthcare for All Colorado Foundation
Benjamin Day, Director of Organizing, Healthcare-NOW!
Mark Dudzic, National Coordinator, Labor for Single Payer