
Did You See The Debate Last Night?

Dec 20, 2019

photo: PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky and Friend

In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Donna, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA national team.

Tell The DNC And The News Networks:
We Need Debate Questions About Poverty


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) staffers watched and live tweeted the Democratic Presidential Debate last night. Once again we were disappointed by the questioning, as moderators too often focused on trivialities and largely ignored or minimized important issues. It fell on the candidates to raise important concerns, and they managed to do so—some of them better than others.

Speaking of critically important issues: Yesterday, the Nation Magazine published PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky’s article about the need for the moderators to ask questions about poverty in the Debates. There have now been six rounds of debates without a single question about poverty, hunger, or homelessness.

We don’t have to accept this! Please sign and widely share PDA’s petition demanding questions about poverty in the Presidential debates.


Pitch In To Support PDA’s Organizing For Bernie


No Matter Who You Support For President
We Have Much To Do! Contact Mike Fox
to get involved!


Bernie Made Us Proud Last Night


Click Here To Get Involved With We Want Bernie Activities


On issue after issue, Bernie Sanders spoke with moral clarity, passion, and understanding. His continuous commitment to building an empowered movement transcended the bickering among other candidates about wine caves, identity politics, and their mediocre corporate-friendly policies.

Only Bernie effectively advocated for Medicare For All, Environmental Justice, Action on the Climate Emergency, Ending Poverty, Human Rights, Sane Budget Priorities, Trade, Free College, Student Debt Cancellation, and more. He stood strong against disingenuous attacks from opponents and moderators alike, using humor and cold hard facts to deliver compelling statements.

Bernie linked runaway military spending with global inaction on the Climate Emergency saying, “And maybe, just maybe, instead of spending $1.8 trillion a year globally on weapons of destruction, maybe an American president—i.e. Bernie Sanders—can lead the world. Instead of spending money to kill each other, maybe we pool our resources and fight our common enemy, which is climate change.”

On trade, Bernie explained, “What we need is a trade policy that stands up for workers, stands up for farmers—and, by the way, the words ‘climate change,’ to the best of my knowledge, is not discussed in this new NAFTA agreement at all, which is an outrage. So I will not be voting for this agreement.”

Bernie decried the shockingly high death rates of People of Color due to environmental injustice and lack of medical care, and he once again articulated a new, better foreign policy based on diplomacy and mutual respect—not warfare and violence—and demanded respect for the human rights of Israelis and Palestinians alike.

The contrasts couldn’t have been more clear. While other candidates vied for “gotcha” moments, Bernie remained focused on what matters most: policies to rebalance our economy and our politics so that a few will no longer claim more resources than hundreds of millions, with mega corporations and billionaires paying little or nothing in taxes while millions suffer and even die for the want of basic necessities.

If you agree with us that we must build a massive grassroots movement to win back our politics and economy from greedy oligarchs—and that we need to nominate and elect Bernie to get that done—please contact Mike Fox to get involved with our We Want Bernie efforts.

No time to volunteer? Please pitch in now to support PDA in our efforts to demand action to alleviate and eliminate, poverty. Click Here to pitch in $250, $50, or whatever you can afford to support PDA.


P.S. Alan was interviewed on Democracy Now this morning commenting on the Democratic Presidential Debate—his appearance begins about 5 minutes in. The 2020 election cycle is already underway. PDA is supporting exciting progressive candidates.


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