
CORRECTION! Call 8pm ET 5pm PT with Sen. Warren

Aug 23, 2018

photo: Sen. Warren With PDA Massachusetts State Organizers

By  Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Judy, Dr. Bill, and Shayna—your PDA National Team


TIME CHANGE! 8pm ET/5pm PT TODAY Thurs., August 23


Sorry for all the changes, but Senators’ Schedules are often in flux. Please join us: 8pm ET/5pm PT TODAY Thurs., August 23. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) cordially invites you to join us welcoming Senator Liz Warren to an exclusive organizing call to discuss the ongoing Trumpublican corruption scandals and other matters.

TIME CHANGE! 8pm ET/5pm PT TODAY Thurs., August 23

Phone number: (712)-770-4160 Access code: 307379#

Support Sen. Warren and PDA With a Generous Gift

CLICK HERE to RSVP or Submit a Question

TODAY! Exclusive PDA call with Sen. Warren!

TODAY: Thursday August 23rd, 8pm ET / 5pm PT, Senator Elizabeth Warren will join Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) for an exclusive conference call. Join us! Phone number: (712)-770-4160 and Access code: 307379# CLICK HERE to RSVP and/or Submit a Question.

PDA appreciates Senator Elizabeth Warren’s strong progressive leadership—recently against abuses by ICE and Trump’s general abuse of migrants as well as her defense of moderation on the Supreme Court. On the call Thursday, she will discuss her proposals for another New Deal—policies to respect the economic and social rights of all.

PDA endorsed Elizabeth Warren for election to the United States Senate in 2012, and we endorsed her for reelection this year. Powerful special interests have once again targeted her for defeat. Please click here and donate now to help Elizabeth Warren win re-election and to support PDA’s efforts. CLICK HERE to RSVP and/or Submit a Question.

PDA activists like you keep elected officials’ feet to the fire with face-to-face meetings, phone banking, and other organizing. Please support Elizabeth Warren and PDA now.

In solidarity,

Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Judy, Dr. Bill, and Shayna—your PDA National Team

P.S. Help us step up our organizing on the issues you care about. Give $100 or Whatever You Can to Support PDA Now and Help Progressives Win! We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need any help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.

