Congressional Liaison Meeting on The Farm Bill: Wednesday 8pm ET
The Farm Bill is the next big piece of legislation in front of Congress, addressing everything from factory farming, to global warming, to the SNAP program. So, join us this Wednesday at 8pm for a Progressive Tutorial on the Farm Bill, and the introduction of our next Congressional Liaison Letter.
RSVP here and we’ll send you the link for the meeting.
Join us for the next Congressional Liaison briefing this Wednesday, June 14, at 8pm EDT. During this briefing, you’ll hear from policy experts on what the Farm Bill is, how it impacts our food system, and how we’re fighting back against big agribusiness. We’ll share materials and instructions for reaching out to your member of Congress to lobby them on the Farm Bill.
The Farm Bill is a massive piece of legislation that dictates the food and farm policy in the U.S., and it gets reauthorized every 5 years. The 2023 Farm Bill is our next big opportunity to influence farm policy and fight back against the factory farming model. The 2023 Farm Bill offers a critical opportunity to fundamentally transform federal farm and food policy. A Fair Farm Bill would let the people who grow our food earn a decent living, practice environmental stewardship, and rebuild the infrastructure that consumers need to access sustainably grown, regionally produced food.
Register to receive the Zoom link here.
Hope to see you Wednesday!
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team