Close DOES Count
By Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Dr. Bill and Judy, your PDA National Team
We Won A HUGE Victory
Without An Official Win
Would we have preferred to take the seat up for grabs in the AZ-08 special election, Tuesday? Sure. But the Republicans should have walked away with a 20 point or better win. Trump and the previous Congressperson both won the district by over 20 points, and the opponent was a Tea Partier previously elected to local office.
They threw $millions in, and even robocalls from Trump. They had a 20 point advantage in registration. And we still held the final margin to 6 points. We were outspent by a massive amount, but we will never be outworked. Please pitch in generously now to help close that money gap for upcoming elections.
Give generously to help PDA Candidates Win!
PDA members from across the country poured in thousand of telephone calls into the district, and it showed. Dem participation was up in key targeted precincts. Now, let’s keep the Blue Wave building by tossing a kind donation in.
With multiple state primaries coming up over the next 30 days, please help us bring home solid wins for great progressive candidates.
Thanks so much for anything you can do.
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Dr. Bill and Judy, your PDA National Team
PS: If you can’t donate, then please join our national phone team so you can make a real difference right from your home! Contact for more info.