
TONIGHT, before the Presidential Debate: Our Weekly Campaign to Victory call. RSVP Now!

Jun 27, 2024 | PDA News

Join us TONIGHT, Thursday, June 27, 8pm ET/5pm PT, (1 hr. earlier than usual due to debate) for How We Rebound and Generate Progressive Wins: RSVP now!


Cori_Suit_250.jpgWhile no question the result in the Jamaal Bowman race was not what we were looking for, the good news is that all other members of the Progressive Caucus from New York — including AOC — are moving on to the general.

The other good news is that we’re moving on to our next opportunities for victory, RIGHT NOW. These include Squad Member Cori Bush, who AIPAC now has its eyes and wallets squarely on.

Join us as we debrief the election results, and re-energize ourselves for the next races.

And if we all pull together, we WILL bring home wins.

PDA Campaign To Victory Team Call
Thurs., 6/27
8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT and AZ
(NOTE: 1hr earlier so we wrap before the presidential debate.)
Register here and the machine will email you your secure codes.

You’ll leave energized and organized.

Invite your progressive friends!

Looking forward to seeing you.

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team



