California Trumps Trump
By Dr Bill Honigman, PDA Calif State Coordinator
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Each Tuesday, PDA features a progressive hero, a group, or even a concept that “Trumps Trump.” Today, we honor the Progressive Democrats in California who took several strong stands for progress and against Trumpism. Once again and now more than ever PDA was in the house at the annual convention of the California Democratic Party (CDP) which met last weekend in San Diego.
This year we had more of our members and leaders as elected and appointed delegates, committee officers, and declared candidates for local, state, and federal offices than ever. Will you pitch in$20.18 (or any other amount) per month to build on California’s progressive victories?
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By arriving before the first gavel and staying well past the last, we were able to have for the first year ever our own booth in the great exhibit hall, a larger than every PDA luncheon featuring terrific talks by Norman Solomon founder of RootsAction and Cathy Kennedy, Secretary of the California Nurses Association (CNA), and a notable presence at the meeting of the Progressive Caucus of the CDP which featured moving and motivating speeches by former Bernie stump surrogates Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-HI and former NV Assemblywoman Lucy Flores.
Also of great note, PDA delegates were able to cast their ballots that ultimately led to four term US Senator Dianne Feinstein’s being denied an official CDP endorsement in her run for re-election and a vote for the potential next governor and next CA Attorney General also arriving at a conclusion of no endorsement, encouraging underdog and generally more progressive challengers.
Meanwhile other PDA members helped with related rallies and demonstrations, networked with others in the hallways and reception events, and picked up important information including about the roll out of the new state political action committee (PAC) called “PDA-CA”. We need a more progressive Congress, so give generously to help PDA elect progressives to Congress. Join the Win 2018 Sustainer Team at $20.18 per month—or giving any amount monthly—will help us find and support the next generation of Progressive champions.
And finally carrying on in the grand tradition of PDA founder Tim Carpenter, we held our “PDA Convention Wrap-up” after the last gavel, with all in attendance able to share with the group what their high points and low points were for the weekend. Many shared that the Wrap-up was in fact their high point. Click here to support PDA’s ongoing organizing opposing Trump.
Overall, PDA California delegates and members who attended the CDP convention again this year left energized and ready to mobilize toward our shared goals of peace and social justice in our state and across the nation. As Tim always told us, “Onward!”
Respectfully submitted,
Dr Bill Honigman, PDA Calif State Coordinator
P.S. Help bring progress to your own state and locality. Click here to email Dan O’Neal to help start or build a PDA chapter near you. Help us build the movement nationwide. Click here to email Mike Fox to make quick, easy organizing calls from your own home on this and other issues or actions. No time to make calls? Please generously pitch in with monthly sustainer gifts now to help PDA keep organizing against the Trumpublicans.