
Bob and Maggie Greenberg Memorial Fund

Apr 11, 2017

By Progressive Democrats of America

On Sunday, April 9, 2017, in Albuquerque, NM, PDA’s dear friend Maggie Greenberg was remembered at her memorial service. Maggie died last month just a few days after we had all been together at PDA’s leadership summit in Las Vegas, NM. As she always had been, Maggie was strong and loving during our summit, and she will be missed so very much. Maggie’s husband, Bob, passed away not too long ago, and the loss of these two courageously compassionate people is significant for us all. If you were not lucky enough to know Maggie and Bob, Maggie’s obituary includes many details about her incredible life and is available here:

Shortly after Maggie died, PDA asked her family if it would be a fitting remembrance to create a Maggie and Bob Greenberg Memorial Fund. We are pleased that they approved. If you choose to donate to this fund, please know that PDA intends to use those funds to support travel and expenses for activism work done by those who could otherwise not afford to do so. Often, PDA has helped fundraise for individual chapter leaders and other leaders to attend political gatherings/trainings/actions and also to register for conferences that bolster our efforts. This fund will help avoid any embarrassment activists might feel about the need to raise money to help fulfill our mission — to elect strong progressive leaders to Congress. And, who knows? Perhaps among those who benefit from this fund and the lasting legacy of Bob and Maggie Greenberg will be a future progressive leader or even a future Congressional member.

If you were blessed enough to know Maggie and Bob Greenberg, you will join us in not only mourning Maggie’s passing but also in celebrating how much they both meant to their New Mexico friends and to all of us in PDA. May we always work in support of those ideals and values that brought Maggie and Bob into our fold. Rest in beautiful peace, dear friends, rest in beautiful peace.

