
Bernie And PDA Rocking AZ!

Mar 13, 2018

By  Dan O’Neal and Mike Fox for PDA National

Change Is Coming!


Bernie Sanders, the people’s Senator, spoke to 1500 supporters in Phoenix on Sunday. Sanders fired up the young and diverse crowd, all part of a “Red State” tour gearing up for the 2018 elections.

PDA in Phoenix, local Our Revolution, DSA members, and activists from the Maricopa County Democratic Party all pitched in on very short notice to make this event a big success. People left the event energized and determined to fight for the issues based on a progressives agenda and rejecting the ideas of hate and division coming from President Trump and Republican Party.


Sanders, was joined on stage by PDA National Advisory Board Member, Tucson CD-3 Congressman Raul Grijalva, and Phoenix CD-7 Congressmen Ruben Gallego. Nina Turner, a former state Senator from Ohio, and current president of Our Revolution, introduced the Democratic Socialist from Vermont with her now famous “I Know Someone” speech.

As is always the case, Nina brought down the house, and was the perfect table setter for the senator.


Sanders hit home on all issues, Medicare for All – Healthcare, gun control, increasing the minimum wage, equal pay for women, low payfor teachers, and much more. The Phoenix crowd particular responded to his support for Dreamers. Directly addressing DACA recipients in Arizona telling them you are not alone, ” Poll after poll shows 80 percent or more want to provide legal status to Dreamers and a path to citizenship”

We’re proud to stand with Bernie, and if you’d like to see him capitalize on his tremendous showing in 2016 and run for president again, sign and share this petition wide.

Onward to a more progressive world for all!

Dan O’Neal and Mike Fox for PDA National

PS:  For great video from the event, see the PDA Facebook Page.

1 Comment

  1. David King

    I’m glad to see Sen Sanders came out to Arizona. I will be sure to vote for him again if he chooses to run for president. Thanks for listening to the American people and all that you do for us.
