Barbara Lee Trumps Trump
By Donna Smith for the the whole PDA national team, Mike Fox, Mike H., Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Amos, Bryan and Dr. Bill
It’s Who Trumps Trump Tuesday!
Let’s Re-Elect Barbara Lee
Each Tuesday, PDA features a progressive hero who we know as a leader during an era when a steady, uniting force is so absent in the White House. This week we honor Barbara Lee. No one represents progressive values more clearly or more forcefully than this amazing woman.
Peace. Justice. Courage. Words that first come to mind when we think of Representative Barbara Lee, D-CA13. She has proven to us all throughout her 19-year tenure in Congress that she stands for a more peaceful nation and world. She has proven to her constituents that she represents them well by carrying every election by huge margins — often wining more than 80 percent of votes cast from her district.
In contrast to the divisive, cruel and self-serving agenda of the Tweeter-in-chief, Barbara Lee stands for and with those who have little or no voice in Washington. She cowers to no one.
One of the pieces of legislation Barbara Lee sponsored in this 115th Congress seems to reflect such a basic concept that it is hard to imagine it isn’s co-sponsored by every member of Congress. In HR3079, accountability for defense spending is require through an audit. That’s right.
From the bill title, Audit the Pentagon Act 2017: “To reduce by one-half of one percent the discretionary budget authority of the Department of Defense for a fiscal year if the financial statement of the Department of Defense for the previous fiscal year does not receive a qualified or unqualified audit opinion by an external independent auditor, and for other purposes.”
And the measure has 43 co-sponsors — about equally Democratic and Republican, with only slightly more Democrats signing on as Republicans. It seems that the notion of being solid stewards of the funds spent on defense matters to these Congressional members. It may not be the sexiest of issues to discuss financial audits, but to pursue economic justice and fiscal sanity means more than waving a flag and giving carte blanche to all things having to do with waging war.
We believe our world has been made more just because Barbara Lee is in Congress. We know our nation has benefited greatly from her leadership on peace, social and economic justice. Imagine a Congress populated with voices of compassion and the power of being peaceful actors in this world. Imagine a nation led by those who stand unafraid of those who would bully the most vulnerable for political gain. Imagine power used to advance our humanity. If you can imagine all of those things, you know there is nothing imaginary about Barbara Lee.
She stands with us; we stand with her. This is also what democracy looks like. Thank you Congresswoman Lee. If you are so inclined, call and thank Congresswoman Lee for yourself: D.C. office — (202) 225-2661 and Oakland office — (510) 763-0370. Let her know PDA stands with her.
In solidarity, with purpose and gratitude,
Donna Smith for the the whole PDA national team, Mike Fox, Mike H., Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Amos, Bryan and Dr. Bill
PS: Help us stand for an issue that Rep. Lee champions is by sending an email to congress to demand a ceasefire between Iraq and the Kurds, and help us get her re-elected by contributing here.
Barbara Lee speaks for ME!
Barbara is a true champion!