
Arizona, Florida, Illinois Vote TODAY!

Mar 17, 2020

Solidarity,  Debra Schrishuhn and Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Janis, Dan, Donna, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

Pitch In Time and/or Money
To Elect Progressives


Get On The Phones and/or Donate Now!



Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) urges you to stay safe and healthy during the Novel Coronavirus outbreak. Avoid large crowds, and take every precaution the health experts advise.

Please be careful if you’re voting in Arizona, Florida, or Illinois. Vote for Bernie Sanders and other PDA-endorsed candidates like Marie Newman and “Chuy” Garcia TODAY!

With COVID-19 bearing down on us, we are mindful of the holes in our healthcare system and our social safety nets, and realize that we need Medicare For All—and we have to vote for Medicare For All candidates like Bernie, Marie, and “Chuy”!


Please Pitch In Now To Help Us Win! We Can’t
Beat Big Corporations and Billionaires Alone!


Pitch In To Help PDA Endorsed Candidates Win!


We Need GOTV Phone Callers Now!
Contact Mike Fox to Get Involved


PDA endorsed Bernie Sanders for President because he’s a leader who can bring needed transformative change to our nation for the betterment of everyone. Bernie is not running for himself; he is running for all of us. #NotMeUs. We need to support him and his progressive agenda NOW.

In IL-03, PDA has endorsed Marie Newman of Congress to bring a fresh perspective and progressive values to this district and the Illinois delegation.

In IL-04, PDA is proud to endorse again Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, a progressive leader and champion, and national surrogate for Bernie Sanders.

Dr. Pamella Gronemeyer, PDA’s State Co-Coordinator and candidate for Sanders delegate in IL-13, lays out the compelling case for Bernie Sanders as President in this episode of The Ben Joravsky Show.

Please practice social distancing, take advantage of the last days of early voting, and be sure to vote by 7 pm TODAY, Tuesday March 17. Vote as if your life depends on it, because it does.

It’s not too late to make easy, effective Get Out The Vote (GOTV) phone calls for Bernie, Marie, and “Chuy” from your own home. Contact Mike Fox to get on the phones.

Pitch in now to help up keep organizing phone banks and mobilizing our movement during these difficult times and beyond!

Your support helps PDA advance progressive candidates and progressive policies.


P.S.: We need your help now. Please sign up with our Phone Team and make easy, important calls from your own home.

No time to volunteer? Please donate $5, $50, or whatever you can afford each month to sustain PDA’s activism in opposition to Trump.

Become a Change Erases Trump Sustainer



