
All Treats No Tricks on Trump Trump Tuesday

Oct 31, 2017

By   Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director for Donna, Mike F., Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team

John Conyers Trumps Trump!


Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has been honoring exemplary progressive leaders on our “Trump Trump Tuesdays.” Today, on Halloween, we have a great treat and no tricks as we honor our founding Advisory Board member Rep. John Conyers. Mr. Conyers is the only current member of Congress who voted for Medicare back in 1965, and he’s leading the fight to protect it and expand it. Mr. Conyers has introduced The Expanded and Improved Medicare Act (H.R. 676) for over a decade, and thanks to his, PDA’s and our allies’ efforts, we currently have more cosponsors than ever before.

Please sign up now to make organizing phone calls to help bring even more cosponsors onto H.R. 676. Also, Contact your Representative and both of your Senators and tell them to support Expanded and Improved Medicare for All. Then, please pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can to help PDA and Mr. Conyers get H.R. 676 enacted into law.

Tell Your Senators and Your Representative
To Cosponsor Enhanced Medicare for All!

Donate whatever you can to support our struggle for healthcare

Donna Smith Rallying With Rep. Conyers

Besides sponsoring the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act in every session of Congress since 2003, and leading Congressional healthcare reform efforts for decades, Mr. Conyers has sponsored the Jobs for All Act (H.R. 1000) and other legislation to promote the training and employment of young people.

He recently sponsored legislation to restrain Trump’s recklessness and to protect people of color from police violence and misconduct. As ranking member and as chair of the House Judiciary Committee, he has stood up to presidents who abuse their authority including Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes, and now Trump.

Mr. Conyers has always worked in a bipartisan and racially inclusive manner to enact landmark legislation including: The Voting Rights Act of 1965, The Martin Luther King Holiday Act of 1983, The Motor Voter Bill of 1993, The Violence Against Women Act of 1994, and The Second Chance Act of 2007. He championed efforts to create jobs and train the American workforce, guarantee high quality healthcare and equal protection under the law, and to expand civil liberties, civil rights, and voting rights, as well as to protect the environment, women, minorities, employees, retirees, consumers, and others.

Mr. Conyers is the Dean of the United States Congress: he first won election to the Congress in 1964, he co-founded the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), he is the longest-serving current member of Congress, and he is the longest-serving African American in Congressional history. He has led both the House Judiciary Committee and the House Government Affairs Committee as Chair and as Ranking Member, and has served with distinction on said committees.

Mr. Conyers has provided sound and inspirational leadership, wisdom, good humor, compassion, and creativity to his colleagues in the United States Congress, has mentored scores of young people, and also has provided exemplary public service to his constituents and to all Americans. For all of these reasons and too many others to mention, PDA declares that Congress member John Conyers “Trumps Trump.”

In solidarity,

Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director for Donna, Mike F., Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team

P.S. Money tight? We understand, and we invite you to pitch in other ways. Please sign up with our phone team to make important calls from your own home. No time to make calls? Then please donate generously to our Resist Trump Action Fund.

