
After Our Loss, The Struggle Continues

Oct 28, 2019

photo: PDA’s Founding Advisory Board Member Rep. John Conyers, Jr.

Mike Hersh for Alan, Dr. Bill, Mike F., Deb, Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, and Dan—Your PDA National Team

Honor John Conyers With A Gift To PDA


Today is a sad day for Progressive Democrats of America (PDA). We lost a mentor, a hero, and a dear friend. It’s impossible to overstate Congressman John Conyers’ importance to the progressive movement—and especially to Progressive Democrats of America.

He keynoted our 2004 launch in Roxbury, MA, and he chaired our investigations into the 2004 Ohio voting irregularities. He was a founding member of our National Advisory Board, and an inspiration who stood with PDA time and again over the years.

Despite our heavy hearts, we recommit ourselves to organizing for Medicare For All in honor of Mr. Conyers. Please join us tonight for a webinar, (details below), and consider making a donation to PDA to help us continue his life’s work.


Support PDA’s Organizing In Honor Of John Conyers


As PDA’s D.C. liaison, I had the honor of working with Mr. Conyers and his staff. I found him to be brilliant, concerned, strategic, and kind as well as humorous, creative, and dedicated to uplifting all people.

Mr. Conyers co-chaired PDA’s Healthcare Not Warfare campaign. He was the author and lead sponsor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday legislation, the Jobs for All Bill, the “Motor Voter” law, among countless other important initiatives and achievements.

Today, on Medicare For All Monday, we’re especially grateful for Mr. Conyers’ leadership drafting and championing the Medicare for All / Single Payer Healthcare Act.

PDA has been working for Medicare For All (MFA) since our founding in 2004. We’ve held monthly organizing calls for years, (the next one is coming up November 13th at 9pm ET, 6pm PT.)

We’ve committed ourselves to getting the Medicare For All Act passed into law, ever since we launched PDA. With your help—working within a growing coalition—we know we will prevail.

Find out how to get (more) involved. TODAY, join our coalition Week of Action Virtual Town Hall with Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Ayanna Pressley and other national and local Medicare for All champions!

When: TODAY October 28, 2019, 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific.

Topic: Medicare for All Resolutions Week of Action Virtual Town Hall with U.S. Representatives Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley

Here are the details for Monday’s webinar, thanks to the Medicare for All Resolutions Action Team, Melinda and Brittany from Public Citizen:

Please click this link to join the webinar.

Or iPhone one-tap US: +16468769923,,278055663# or +16699006833,,278055663#

Or Telephone. Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968, Canada: +1 647 558 0588

Webinar ID: 278 055 663

International numbers available, click this link.

Activists around the country will be hosting watch parties on October 28 as part of the Medicare for All Resolutions Week of Action.

PDA staffer Dr. Bill Honigman co-coordinates our California chapter, and is often the face and voice of PDA on radio and television appearances. Lately he’s been making House (and Senate) calls to help elect Medicare for All candidates to Congress.

Please sign up to make monthly gifts now to support his “house calls” as he makes Improved Medicare for All presentations across the country as Co-Chair of our Healthcare Is A Human Right issue team.

Dr. Bill puts his heart, soul, and shoe leather into making sure we enact Improved Medicare For All. Let’s have his back. Will you help?

We’re trying to raise $1,000 this week to cover these travel expenses—discount air fare and a sandwich or two along the way—and to set aside some funds to cover his travel to future events.

Please pitch in whatever you can afford, and if you can, please make it an automatic monthly gift. We’d like to raise enough to send Dr. Bill to do a Medicare For All house call near you!


P.S. We don’t ask for dues. We rely on small donations from people like you. If you’ve donated before, now is the time to sign up to make automatic monthly “sustainer” contributions to support Medicare for All organizing.

If you’re already a sustainer, we appreciate your help! If you can, please consider increasing your donation by giving another amount per month.

No spare change to help us make change? Then join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.

We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.

Join PDA Organizing for Victories in 2020

