
Advisory: Progressive Democrats of America Endorses Eva Putzova for Congress

Jun 10, 2019

Alan Minsky, Executive Director and Mike Hersh, Communications Director | Progressive Democrats of America

The influential Federal PAC Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has endorsed Democratic Candidate Eva Putzova to represent Arizona’s 1st Congressional District.

PDA’s highly-selective endorsement reflects the consensus of local grassroots organizers. Only candidates who support a broad and bold progressive agenda are considered.

PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky said, “We are proud to endorse Eva Putzova for Congress to represent all the people of Arizona’s 1st District. When elected, Eva will be the first immigrant sent to Congress from Arizona, and she will focus on the needs of immigrants and other people who have been marginalized by right wing politicians.”

Minsky added, “Unlike the current incumbent Tom O’Halleran—who has often voted for Donald Trump’s disastrous extreme right-wing agenda—Eva will stand up for progressive priorities including humane immigration policies, Improved Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, good jobs for all, and so much more.

Minsky noted, “Eva demonstrated her leadership ability and her progressive values by serving as an exemplary member of the Flagstaff, AZ City Council and by helping to pass and then protect a local initiative raising Flagstaff’s minimum wage to $15.50—the highest in the nation.”

Democratic Congressional Candidate Eva Putzova said, “As an immigrant, I feel connected not only to the people who are coming to this country seeking a better life or escaping violence and persecution, but also to the people who have been colonized by the early settlers and are treated as if they didn’t belong here. I feel an urgency to address intergenerational trauma, injustice, disrespect, and cultural indifference toward Indigenous People, and want to serve in Congress to also right the wrong caused by this government’s past policies of annihilation, assimilation, and relocation.”

Putzova added, “PDA has been a leading organization on the most pressing issues of our generation, including healthcare and climate change. The conversation we are having today would have not been possible without their persistence in organizing and building political capital. PDA made progressive politics mainstream. I’m honored to be part of the progressive family of candidates PDA has endorsed, and I’m looking forward to serving people in Arizona and across the nation.”

Minsky concluded, “We know Eva well because she has been an active supporter of PDA since 2012. PDA has confidence that Eva will be a great Representative for Arizona’s 1st District. We look forward to her victory and working closely with her to make necessary progress.”

Progressive Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and our country. The organization seeks to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites—with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests. As a grassroots PAC, PDA operates inside the Democratic Party, and outside in movements for peace and justice.

Progressive Democrats of America is guided by the progressive vision of a renewed nation, fully integrated into the community of nations and peoples, respectful of the rule of law at home and abroad, and committed to the universal values of human dignity, justice and respect for and stewardship of the planet on which we live. Therefore, Progressive Democrats of America stands in opposition to injustice, corporatism, and economic and military imperialism.



