Act Now! Tell Congress To Protect Internet Freedom!
By Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director for Donna, Mike F., Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team
Tell Congress We Need Net Neutrality
Congress is expected to vote as early as today. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) joins countless organizations and individuals who demand that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) keep the Internet free by protecting Net Neutrality. The highly respected independent publication Consumer Reports announced that a “survey shows that a majority of Americans favor net neutrality rules that prevent internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking lawful online content.”
Unfortunately, the FCC took preliminary action to shut down freedom on the Internet. Still, Congress will have the final say over this policy. Click here to tell your Senators and Representative to join you protecting Net Neutrality.
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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ignored millions of public comments that demanded they maintain net neutrality rules—regulations that guarantee fair and equal access for all internet traffic. By a narrow 3 to 2 vote last December, the FCC removed consumer protections. Unless Congress intervenes, this would let internet service providers (ISPs) slow down or “throttle” web traffic—to demand higher fees for higher speeds, to interfere with unpopular communications, or for any reason at all.
We demand that Congress protect Internet freedom. If you agree, please click here and tell your elected officials to support Net Neutrality. This situation is coming to a head now. A vote is expected as soon as today! Earlier this year, the FCC officially filed the order, the Orwellian-named Restoring Internet Freedom decision, in the Federal Register. This started a short clock ticking before these unfair changes go into effect. As FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn tweeted on February 22nd:
Today it is official: @FCC majority has taken the next step in handing the keys to the internet over to billion-dollar #broadband providers by publishing the #NetNeutrality repeal order in the Federal Register.
As Consumer Reports explained, the “FCC, now headed by Chairman Ajit Pai, proposed undoing the classification of internet providers as ‘common carriers’ under Title II of the Communications Act. That would strip the FCC of the authority to keep ISPs from blocking, throttling, or entering paid prioritization deals for content.” This is unacceptable. Please click here to tell your elected officials to support Net Neutrality.
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director
for Donna, Mike F., Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We need your help now. Click here to remind your elected officials that a majority of Americans support a free and open Internet. Please sign up with our phone team to make important calls from your own home. No time to make calls? Please donate now to help PDA create and share these Action Alerts.