A Salute to Nurses with Jane O’Meara Sanders
By Nurse Talk
Nurse Talk’s Healthcare in America Senior Correspondent Donna Smith had the privilege of talking with Jane O’Meara Sanders recently. If the name sounds familiar Jane is the wife of Senator Bernie Sanders, co-founder of the Sanders Institute and a longtime social, educational and political activist.
Jane played a major role in Bernie’s 2016 Presidential run and worked closely with thousands of nurses during the campaign. She learned first-hand how nurses fight for their patients both at the bedside and beyond. Jane is busy working on Bernie’s 2020 Presidential bid and is focusing her efforts on quality of life issues
I am an RN for 6 years now, trained in South Florida! I Travel now as RN and grateful for the support the Sanders give to RNs. We need it. RNs across the United States want safe patient ratios, safer working conditions, better pay, and the end of abusive tactics from the Hospital management. Hospital management have ruined healthcare. We want to work and serve our patients with excellence, and need the support from you guys! Save The Nursing profession and help us bring a new age of quality, safe, and excellent bedside care!!!!
I am a nurse in Charlottesville Virginia, a member of NNU and an avid Bernie campaigner since May of 2015.
Jane, thank you for keeping Bernie healthy and safe. You are a patriot.
I have followed Bernie daily for 4 years and, indeed, we will not see another Bernie in our lifetime.
My first husband, Bernie Leipelt, was born in Silesia in 1921 and he had the one-minded-focused characteristic similar to your Bernie. He too, was a fighter for social change and founded several organization to bring about racial harmony.
Be well, Jane.
Maria Brendt
Charlottesville, Va.