A New Beginning in 2021: Onward to a Progressive America
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
Help PDA Build a Progressive America as We
Build Back Better
January is named for the Roman God Janus who presides over all beginnings. Perhaps no January has been as anticipated as 2021. The most dreadful year in recent memory has ended and on the 20th the worst President, perhaps in all of American history, will leave the White House. It is a unique moment, one in which the majority of American society recognizes the need for a new beginning.
We, as progressives, must be bold and make clear that the horrors of 2020 and the Donald Trump presidency were not inevitabilities—they were the product of serious social deficiencies. Per the pandemic, tens of thousands of lives would’ve been saved by a decent national public health system. Per the natural disasters, it is long past the time that we have a sane response to the climate emergency. Per the fact of Donald Trump’s presidency, it is an outgrowth of a political status quo that does next-to-nothing to counter massive wealth inequality and layer-upon-layer of social injustice across American society.
We, as progressives, must seize the initiative now and declare a better America is possible and explain how it can be achieved through progressive policies.
We at PDA are poised to do exactly that—starting now!
Here are two things you can do this week to help launch a new day in American politics in this new year:
1. The new Congress will begin its legislative work on Wednesday of this week. We need this Congress to take immediate progressive action to address the pandemic and the economic crisis. We’re expanding our Congressional Office Liaison Program in 2021. If you’re interested in representing PDA in supporting progressive legislation to your local congressional office fill out this short form.
2. We also have to win control of the US Senate by winning the two Georgia runoffs for the US Senate on January 5th. PDA is mobilizing all of our resources to wrest control of the Senate away from Mitch McConnell. Please join our campaign to win in Georgia.
Thanks so much for anything you can do.