
A More Democratic Party

Apr 8, 2018

By  Mike Hersh for Judy, Donna, Dr. Bill, Mike F, Kim, Janis, Deb, Dan, Bryan, and Amos
Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team

Join Progressive Democrats of America Working
For A Much More Progressive Democratic Party


We as Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) have an incredible opportunity to create real change in the Democratic Party. Our PDA Advisory Board member Rep. Keith Ellison is Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and he’s working with us and our allies to put democracy in the Democratic Party. This weekend, PDAers from around the country worked for democratic reforms at the DNC Winter meetings. We’re making a difference and we need your help now.

Give generously to help PDA build a
more progressive Democratic Party


Of equal importance, local elections to determine who votes on the state party chairs and other key positions are approaching. Taking back the Democratic Party from the corporations and lobbyists won’t be easy. We need your help now! Please let us know if you are:

  • currently an elected/voting member of your local, county, ward, or state Democratic Party
  • willing to run for a position in a Democratic Party entity
  • willing to run for a Democratic Party position

If you are an elected member of your state or local Democratic Party, or if you would consider running for a party position, please email Mike Fox with your contact information and other details. Too busy to run for an official party position? Sign up with Mike Fox to find out about other ways to help.

Taking back the Democratic Party from the corporations and lobbyists won’t be easy or cheap. We need resources to organize behind strong candidates. Pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can right now.

On to bringing the party back to it’s progressive roots!

Mike Hersh for Judy, Donna, Dr. Bill, Mike F, Kim, Janis, Deb, Dan, Bryan, and Amos
Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team

P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.

We can’t do anything without your generous support

