
A Conversation with Labor Campaign for Single Payer Mark Dudzic

Feb 5, 2019

By Nurse Talk

With us today is Mark Dudzic, National Coordinator of the Labor Campaign for Single Payer. The primary purpose of his organization is to increase and coordinate grassroots labor support for a Single-Payer Medicare-for-All healthcare system in America. Mark, like many of us believes health care is a fundamental human need and that the labor movement must take a leading role in the fight for healthcare justice.

1 Comment

  1. Diane Elizabeth

    Single payer is a non-starter! Look to Canada and see how long it takes for healthcare. Canadians come to America because our healthcare system is better!

    *Strengthen the Affordable Care Act for those in need of insurance!

    **Hands off private pay healthcare!**
    We have worked for it and pay for it so hands off!
