This Sunday Join NOW President Christian Nunes at PDA’s Progressive Town Hall
Christian Nunes, President of the National Organization for Women (NOW), will join the PDA Progressive Town Hall this Sunday at 4pm ET. RSVP Now!

Following the horrendous Dobbs ruling, the question of Full Equality for Women is once again center stage in American politics. We will discuss how we win the struggle for women’s reproductive rights and establish America, once and for all, as a true society of equals.
NOW and PDA have been staunch allies. Together, we consistently pushed for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment when it was long forgotten by many of our allies—and together we helped lift it to the precipice of passage (as described brilliantly by PDA’s Kristin Cabral at our January 22nd Town Hall).
Since the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v Wade, stripping women of the right to control their own bodies, the NOW/PDA alliance is more important than ever.
On Sunday we will hear from Christian Nunes about NOW’s priorities, how they approach structural racism and sexism through an intersectional lens, and how PDA can join forces with NOW to win what the vast majority of Americans want: full equality for women and all people!
It’s going to be a great Town Hall! Tell your family, friends, and co-workers to RSVP today!
In solidarity,
Women and men in American Society who’ve been brain-washed to believe in Right Wing Conservative Fascist Neo-Nazi Racist Sexist Homophobic Xenophobic Sociopathic Sycophantic White (Anglo-Saxon Protestant – WASP) Supremacist RepugliKKKans to Hate and wage surreptitious war against WOMEN are America’s Domestic Enemies. The majority of Americans are Liberal Progressive and Democratic.