
💥 Let’s Make Fireworks 💥

Jul 4, 2018

photo: Fireworks over Washington, D.C. (photo from

By  Mike Hersh for Mike F., Donna, Deb, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Judy, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National team

Give Now To Help Elect Progressives
Make Calls | Donate | Organize Locally

On July 4th 1776, the Continental Congress made fireworks by officially adopting the Declaration of Independence. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is asking you to make fireworks by joining with us making a Declaration of Interdependence today. We know that what each of us does effects others, and we cannot hope to overcome today’s challenges unless we work together in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.

Unfortunately, the increasingly extreme right wing—aided and abetted by the 1% elite—continually seek to drive us apart using racial, gender, religious, birthplace and other differences. These differences should be a source of strength, not weakness. We must dedicate ourselves to making progress and celebrating our diversity to overcome the forces that seek to hold us down. If you agree, please pitch in now.

We have the opportunity to oust one such negative force by helping Randy “The Iron Stache” Bryce defeat Paul Ryan—the Speaker of the House and the mastermind behind the assault on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. To ensure a Blue Wave, PDA needs your help now. Please sign up to make a your generous monthly sustaining contribution or one-time gift to support Randy Bryce and PDA. We appreciate and need every dollar of support.

Give generously to help PDA and Randy Bryce

PDA has been working for a more progressive Congress since 2004, and we’ve learned there are many shades of blue. It is not enough just to elect any Democrats. Actions of past Democratic majorities teach us that conservative and corporate Democrats work more closely with Republicans for narrow elite special interests—not in the interests of most Americans.

We need to elect strong progressive candidates who will not back down, will not give up, and will not be silent in the face of relentless attacks on the most vulnerable members of society. Please sign up to make automatic monthly contributions of whatever amount you can afford to help us elect strong progressives in the primaries and general election.

We have a lot of work to do. Help us help progressive candidates get on the November ballot. Let’s paint the Congress bench a vibrant shade of true progressive blue. Your monthly gift of whatever you can spare helps PDA support progressive candidates like Randy Bryce who will champion social, economic, and environmental justice. Your steady sustaining support helps us build capacity, budget, and plan. Your ongoing support enables and empowers progressives so we can respond quickly to fast-moving developments. We’re depending on you!

In solidarity,

Mike Hersh for Mike F., Donna, Deb, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Judy, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National team

P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.

No time to volunteer? Then please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford. We don’t have billionaire dark money donors. We depend upon your generous support. Please support our organizing now.

