🍎 Applegate Trumps Trump 🍏
By Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Bryan, and Kim, your PDA National Team
PDA’s 2018 Plan: Progressives Trump Trump
This is a special “Trumps Trump Thursday!” In 2016, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) chose to focus our national resources to help Doug Applegate beat Darrel Issa, one of the richest members of Congress. We narrowly lost despite being outspent by the right-wing ideologue who’d increased his wealth to $250,000,000 by steering government contacts in ways that enriched him personally.
Now that Issa has retired from Congress, Doug is running for an open seat. The primary is this coming Tuesday! Doug needs your help to win a highly contested all-candidates showdown. The top two vote getters will face off in November, and we need Doug to make it through. Please dig deep and make a generous contribution to help elect Doug now! Then volunteer with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to make easy but important Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls from your own home.
Help Elect Doug Applegate
Money tight? Then sign up with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to make easy but important calls from your own home. Too busy to volunteer? Then please contribute generously to support Doug Applegate. Tell all your friends and relatives in California to vote this Tuesday for Kevin DeLeon and Doug Applegate (if they can). We gratefully welcome any donation.
In 2016, Issa ran TV ads blasting Doug for taking “radical positions” on the issues. What were those positions? Issa’s attack ad accused Doug of: “Taking Obamacare another step further…. Undoing free trade deals….” as well as taking strong action to stop global warming.These policies would make life better for everyone. If you agree, help us elect Doug.
Doug knows we need a Medicare for All plan. He wants to end—and keep us out of new—horrible, unfair, special interest “trade” deals that export American jobs and undermine our democracy. He understands that the climate emergency threatens our economy, our national security, our health, and our lives.
If that’s not enough to get you eager to help Doug, he has a 0% rating from the National Rife Association. He’s a retired military Colonel who supports peace and diplomacy. No wonder Doug is our kinda guy!
Please donate generously to help elect Doug Applegate now! Money tight? Then volunteer with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox to make easy but important Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls from your own home.
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Deb, Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Bryan, and Kim, your PDA National Team
P.S. Invest in progress with a generous donation right now. Signing up to make an automatic monthly donation would help most, and we gratefully welcome any donation.